I couldn’t wait to touchdown in Bangkok; I couldn’t wait to see all the gorgeous hot 5aleeji’s coming for holiday there, I couldn’t wait to go crazy shopping, I couldn’t wait to eat French fries from Mcdonalds. There was so much I was looking forward to, I just adore it there and mostly I couldn’t wait to get that gorgeous sun kissed tan for all my friends to see.
We got into the airplane at 8 am in the morning and I was so tired, barely had any make-up on. We had to land in Dubai first and from there go to Bangkok. I started looking at the list of movies, since it was a 7-hour flight. I finally agreed to watch the Notebook, since I was in the mood for a romance movie. We landed in Dubai and we had to wait inside the airplane for an hour. I was sitting alone at the front row because my aunt couldn’t leave my grandma all by herself. I looked out the window and a bus with a bunch of people approaching our plane. Oho, I looked like shit I didn’t want any hot guy or any one to see my like this. People started taking their seats and finally the airplane was going to take off. I wanted to take a peek at who entered the plane, maybe one hot emaratii I could just stare at and drool over.
I wanted to go to the toilet but I didn’t want to go to the one in front, I really wanted to see who was behind me, I felt the place was packed and so I was intrigued. I stood up and made my way to the back, I was too shy to look at anyone, my head was down. Jeez Nelly, really? Like really? Couldn’t even take a damn peek?
I waited for the toilet since it was busy; I really needed to go to the toilet. What’s taking this person so long? I look left and right and try to spot someone decent, uff I can only see the back heads of everyone. Finally the person who was occupying the toilet opened the door, my head was down the whole time and so I put my head up. And my face was in shock! Now guess who it was? Seriously? Drum rolls please!
I know, can this scene be any gayer; I mean why the hell is he here? And why didn’t he tell me? I starred at him again to make sure that it was really him, and it was. I really felt like I was in a cliché movie, I pinched myself to see if this was real or I was just dreaming. OUCH!
Oh this was no dream, it was pretty damn real, I just looked at him and he had that smile on his face.
Fahad: Nelly? Shtsween ihni?
Me: Your asking me ana shaswii ihni? This is my plane! I told you I was going at this time and this date. A7een fehamt youm ts2lnii about my flight number, inzain shola matgooli??
Fahad: Knt abii afaj2ich?
Me: Are you here by yourself?
Fahad: la la akahii ilwalad m3ay, oo wld 3amii oo ilwalad ihnak fee Bangkok mnn isboo3
Me: Y3ni you knew this whole time that you were gona be in Bangkok for the summer and you didn’t tell me?
Fahad: eeh, ana 6ool ilwakt mstanes inch btjeen Bangkok.
Me: inzain roo7 ig3ad fee your seat oo ana baroo7 il7amam oo ba6la3 oo basaleem 3ala umik
I went to the toilet and did my business. I looked at myself in the mirror, I need to put something on my face, and it was so pale and looks very tired. I knew I should’ve slept last night instead of pulling an all-nighter. I left the toilet and was looking for Fahad and I found him and his mom sitting next to him. I approach them and go say hi to her.
Me: Hala 5altii
Um Fahad: Hala 7bebtii, sh’hal mofaja2ah il7ilwa
I blush, since I didn’t know what to reply.
Me: sha5brich 5altii?
Um Fahad: il7emdiallah b5air, inti sh5barich? Oo mabrook 3al t5arooj
Me: tmam il7emdiallah, allah ybareek feech.
I blush some more and I can see Fahad next to her laughing his ass off at me.
Me: 5ala9 5altii ba5leekom. T2mroon 3ala shay?
Um Fahad: laa 7bebtii ila salamtich.
I glance at Fahad and give him a smile and go back to my seat.
I couldn’t believe Fahad’s here, it was so hard to wrap my head around the idea. How long is he gona be there for? Is he here for me? I don’t think so; he’s here with his family. I don’t really care, aham shay he’s here and he’s gona be in Bangkok, yaaaiiy.
I glanced at my aunt and grandma; they were so deep in their sleep.
I continued to watch the notebook, after it love actually, followed by continuous episodes of friends. I was in the best mood ever and no one can ruin it for me. The flight attendant announced that we’re descending and so I got out of my seat to take off my 3abaya and I grabbed my make-up bag with me.
I went inside the toilet; yes my whole life was revolved around me being in toilets. Anyways, I started to apply some make-up, not so much though so it doesn’t seem so obvious that something’s different. I take off my 3abaya and play with my hair it was pretty poofy so I tied it in a ponytail and left the toilet. I opened the door and made my way to my seat. I walked slowly and I can see that Fahad was staring from the tip of my eye. Sighs, or maybe I was imagining that happens sometimes too.
I sat at my seat and looked at the window and saw Thailand or something that looks like land so I just assumed it was Bangkok since that was our destination. We finally landed and first thing I do is turn on my phone.
3 new messages
From: Haya
I overslept! Knt abii aklmich before you leave!
From: Jazi
Il7edmallah 3al salama mo8adaman!
From: Fahad
You look sexy. ;)
The Girl xx